Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Summer 2019

Hey subs.

It’s been a while since my last update, so I figured I would give my worshippers a quick update. This summer has been a pretty busy one for me, between work and play. I hit the beach as much as possible, and spent a ton of time with my close friends. 

Good work to all of my subs that kept my wallet filled, and my fun paid for all summer long. Here’s a few shout outs to some of my good subs this summer!

ErwinSlave - A dedicated worshipper, and a long time servant. A huge fan of my feet! 

GamerSlave - Although this sub has essentially “retired” from serving, he still surprises me with gifts here and there.

NurseSub - It's too fun getting you weak. Looking forward to the next time your worship my soles, boy. 

DiaperSlave - This boy has been quiet lately, but I look forward to the next humiliation. 

WashingtonSub - Always keeping me satisfied with countless gift cards to my favourite restaurants and stores!

NYSub - Another “retired” sub, but he still comes around here and there to serve. 

DCSub - Always enjoy our fun sessions. A great sub for sure.

If your name wasn’t mentioned, don’t fret. I may of forgotten to mention a few. Or it could mean that you just need to work harder for next time. 

Now that summer is coming to an end, I will have some more time for my slaves. I plan to start posting more frequently to my OnlyFans page (, as well as on my Twitter (@FeetNShoes). I know you subs love getting updates from me. 

Get in touch and begin your servitude today boy. 

Skype: joshlacrosse123
Kik: MasterJosh8

Monday, November 13, 2017

November Update

What’s up slaves. 

Since I don’t use this blog much, I figured it’s about time to give all of my hungry little betas an update on my superior lifestyle.

For the past few months, I’ve been working hard at my degree, and haven’t had much time for a social media presence. Unlike the majority of so called ‘Masters’, I have a bright future ahead of me, and have myself focused on my studies. 

At the end of October, I met up with a slave from Canada who I will call JaySlave. JaySlave has been with me on and off over the past few years, and most recently purchased an old pair of my shoes in the spring. After smelling the intoxicating scent over a number of months, the slave finally decided it was time to get under my feet. As many of my slaves know, I always love draining wallets in person. There is something about watching a beta male hand over hard earned cash to me. This slave provided some good entertainment for the evening.

I met up with the slave at a hotel near my place, and quickly put him right where he belongs. I planted my feet right on the slaves face while I flicked through the wad of cash I was just handed. I let the slave worship for about an hour, and knew he was enjoying every second of it. 

About a week later, I had a real time with my loyal servant, NYSlave. This slave has been up to Toronto a number of times now, and I decided to invite him up for another real time session. For an entire weekend, I had all of my needs catered to, and was spoiled with numerous gifts and expensive meals. This was NYSlave’s 7th real time with me since he began servicing me when I first started in the scene. Below is a photo of the watch I received from this loyal bitch during our most recent meet up.

Room service at the snap of my fingers.....

Slave Shoutouts

EuroGuy - Smelling up a pair of socks for this slave as we speak! Another pair headed over to Europe to be sniffed dry of sweat!

CellphoneFag - Few hiccups over the summer months, but this bitch is back on schedule with covering my bills. I know you can’t wait until your real time worship session boy!

With Christmas coming up, there’s quite a few items on my demand list. Make yourself useful this holiday season and spoil me.

I now accept tributes through Skrill, Coinbase, Amazon and PayPal. Don’t be shy. Start your new life in servitude to a king today. I can be contacted through Skype or email.

Skype: joshlacrosse123
Twitter: FeetNShoes
Instagram: footmasterjosh


Friday, January 6, 2017

Gift Card Destruction

Happy New Year slaves. 2016 was great for your King, and I'm sure 2017 will be even better. Looking forward to all of the worship and gifts you bitches have to offer. 

Just after Christmas, a slave who I will dub "SmokerSlave"
SmokerSlave hit me up on December 26th begging to serve. As the pigs PayPal wasn’t working, I decided to have it purchase me some gift cards to stores I frequent. As I was out with friends busy that night, I had the slave only send a $75 gift card to start. Over the next week, the pig kept returning, begging to serve me. Working on his credits cards, that night I racked up $325 between 3 cards to shop with. That night I blew through over half of that amount, scooping myself some fresh new threads.

A few days after the aforementioned cash destruction, the slave was begging to get destroyed even more. All my slaves know that I’m more than happy to greedily rip what I want out of your hands. After a few hours of draining throughout the day, the slack racked up a total of $600 in gift cards to another store I shop at. That’s power.

$925 in two weeks from a new slave.

Take note slaves. That’s how you serve. 

Contact me today to start your new life in servitude to a King.
Skype: joshlacrosse123

Friday, December 2, 2016


Over the past month I've been extremely busy with school, and partying with my buddies. I haven't had much time to be online, but even with that my slaves have still managed to impress my continuously. I decided to do a blog update to show you pigs what real slaves serve like. 

First off, I acquired a new slave in the past month, whom I will call ItalianSlave. This slave is enjoying getting to know me, while drooling over my massive 12.5s on cam. He's off to a good start, and I see some real time potential with this pig in the future. Most recently, he paid the bill for my 12 pack of beers on the 30th. Good work little pig, I'm sure you'll be on this blog quite a bit.

Moving onto another slave of mine, we come to TruckerFag, returning from his small hiatus in serving. This pig disappeared a number of months ago, before finally crawling back to me mid-November. No surprise there. After hearing the loser decided to waste a considerable sum of my money on itself during the hiatus, I decided to hit the pig hard. I began by suggesting he starts working as many hours as possible, and will be starting to give him menial tasks in his spare time so he remembers who his boss is. Good drains from this fag, Christmas is coming TruckerFag, and you know what that means ;)

Small little shoutout to a pig I'll call CellphoneFag, finally covered my cell bill for the month after talking about it for far too long. Well done on coming through loser. 

A slave I'll call PhillyBoy has been around a bit lately, scooping me some stuff off of Amazon, and hitting up the PayPal for a little tribute. May see you in NYC this coming month slave!

ShirtlessFag has been quiet lately, still reeling hard from the last massive cash drain, shown in the previous post. I'll let him recover for a little bit, before hitting the slave again hard. Few little tributes this month from the loser, but I'm sure it'll pick back up once the faggot gets paid once again. Always love getting this pig drunk as fuck and making him spin my Wheel of Misfortune. 

Finally, one of my little bitches, who I will call SockSniffer, came back this month for a few sessions sniffing my rank Nike socks. Always get this pig weak in record amounts of time. Resistance is futile. I'm a greedy God, and I love taking it all. 

Here are a few photos for you addicted little cash bitches. Drool over my perfection. You know where to find me when you're ready to serve. Skype: joshlacrosse123


Monday, October 31, 2016

Good Sunday night drain

On Saturday night, one of my on-and-off slaves, ShirtlessFag contacted me asking to serve. I decided to take a bit off the pig on Saturday night before I went out with some friends, ordering the slave get drunk while I got ready for a college Halloween party. I gave the pig a photo of my feet as well to set as his phone background, incase he decides to stray again. There’s a constant reminder of his place. It was alright for a Saturday night!

Sunday night I was working away on some school assignments, when the same slave started begging for a cash drain, and to serve this God. At first I thought it would be an average drain, and did not expect how hard this slave wanted to $erve me. 

We started off by having the slave pour ten shots out, taking one every 5 minutes. After a while that didn’t work for me, so he started taking them on my command. About a half hour later the slave was already fairly drunk, and begging to spin the wheel. I had him spin over, and over, and over again. Take a look for yourself, the numbers speak volume.

I drained the slave for a bit over an hour, before going back to work on my assignments. Another slave, let’s call him JakeFag, contacted me to serve my feet on Skype. This slave is planning on meeting up with me for a real time during my December Real-Time Trip. He was craving a sample of the feet. Good little tribute to start.

Not an hour later, ShirtlessFag was messaging me again, begging to take another crack at the wheel. After already making a decent sum of cash I figured why not? Might as well make the slave suffer a bit for my enjoyment. I hopped back on cam, and the slave started back up on the wheel, drooling over my good looks, and complimenting me constantly. I got him back on the wheel and did some destruction, before switching him to a lower value wheel to make the drain last a bit longer. 

At the end of the session, the pig asked to do a double or nothing session, meaning if he landed on a $150 space on my wheel he would have to pay $300. At first I hesitated, the slave was already going pretty crazy on the cash. But I allowed it. Of course you can guess what happened there, nice chunk of USD > CAD sitting in my account!

This morning after the drain the faggot also contacted me, sending me a photo which I'm sure will help him realize his place serving me for time to come. 

The total for the weekend (after doing a bit of shopping with PayPal online), was a staggering $1,186.06 CAD after conversion right into this God’s pocket. Perfect. Love raping US dollars as the conversion is in my favour.

Good work slave. Who am I destroying next?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Living life like a God

What's up slaves!

Another exam season has come for me, and I’m quite busy yet again. Still seeing lots of new slaves adding me each and everyday, but my attention is hard to earn. One of the best ways to do it is to contact with a gift card or tribute ready to be sent, so I know my time isn’t being wasted. I have restarted my YouTube channel, which can be reached HERE. My loyal servants are serving me well, as I continue to make more money than I ever have in the past. All the cash flying in is put to good use in my greedy hands. Not uncommon to spend a few hundred a night on booze at a bar for myself and the ladies! Gifts keep rolling in from Amazon on the daily.

Been enjoying spending all the cash. Amazing Blue Jays tickets the other week paid for by a 5-minute drain of a weakling. Always makes me laugh how great my life is, while many of my slaves can’t afford anything while I’m out on their cash once again! Been having way too much win with the Cash Wheel lately, seems to be a bit hit with you slaves!

I will be headed to New York City in December for a trip, dominating slaves along the way. Booking from Dec. 15th – 18th and will be hosting in my hotel. Interested piglets shoot me a message to work out a real time with me. Details are in the picture below for interested slaves. Booking up at a good pace. Looking forward to seeing some New York piggies serving me in person.

Slave Shoutouts:

NYPig – Keep on serving good you little swine. Love seeing your hardcore drains to this God.
EuroGuy – Got some socks coming up for ya real soon! Another week in the gym and I’m sure the will be perfect for you.
BCQueer – Pathetic as usual. Crawled back after a little absence. Going to be fun breaking my dog in again!
GermanSniffer – Always entertaining having you grovel at my socks while I laugh at you. I’m sure I’ll see you again a few times this week for more sessions!
AssKisser – Keep sending those Amazon Cards and draining like a good little bitch! Always funny having you compliment my perfect jock ass lmao.
ShirtlessFag – Off running. Won’t be long before I see you again you pathetic fuck.
TruckerFag – Been a bitch lately but it won’t be long before he’s spinning the wheel again. Still owes me a few hundred lines about his devotion to me! Get to it loser.

Until next time worshippers.

Skype: joshlacrosse123
Twitter: FeetNShoes
Instagram: footmasterjosh

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Draining Summer Pay Away....

Figured you pigs deserved a little update! So let's get to it.

One of my loyal pigs hit me up on the 18th, and asked to send a tribute. Upon discovering that the slave had more money, he asked to play my wheel game. For those slave who haven’t played this game with me yet, I simply set a # of spins you take on a cash wheel, and the corresponding values are tributes. 

This slave got lucky, and was given 6 spins. After the 6 spins, the slave realized how much he really drained, hitting the amount of $540 for the game. $540 right into my greedy pockets. That’s how I like it. The slave was drained hard, and will be feeling this drain for some time. But that’s what it’s all about, sacrifice for a God. And this pig realizes that! Ended up shutting down the slave’s PayPal on the 5th tribute, so the slave followed through with the final $100 tribute a few hours later.

I am also off on another real time with NYPig on the 23rd of August. Looking forward to another trip down to New York to have my feet worshipped and get spoiled like I deserve. As I type this the pig is rubbing my feet and worshipping them like a good boy! I'll have photos posted up from the visit within the next week.

Furthermore, a shoutout to NYPig who sent over $3500 in rent money just because he knows I’m a superior. That rent money will come in handy, I don’t pay for my expenses at school! Good work fag, that converted quite nicely into Canadian $. $3000 in transfer followed with a $500 cash tribute!

ShirtlessFag has also been rising the ranks in my stable. This slave has been around for about a month now, and has been draining like a good little ATM. Looking forward to the next drains that this pig will be bringing forth. ShirtlessFag keeps a strong devotion to being my good little dog. Crushed a bunch of Molson’s with this slave, and got him super drunk! One of the best drains of this slaves life.

EuroGuy has been around as well, being a good worshipper. Had a great time doing a foot show with him about a week ago, and looking forward to the next one. Always loves sniffing my smelly socks while I command him. Good worshipper. 

For now, bow down and worship your God. Lay your tributes at my feet, slaves.

SKYPE: joshlacrosse123
Twitter: @FeetNShoes
Instagram: FootMasterJosh